Where to walk your dog

Where to walk your dog

The first thing to consider when determining where to walk your dog is whether the route is safe. It should be away from busy roads and aggressive dogs, or maybe you need to keep your aggressive dog away from other dogs. Walk your dog in an area where the grass and weeds are not too high because ticks would love to jump on your dog or you! If it is a hot day, try to keep his sensitive paws off the road and find a shady route. If you can, vary the route so they can have fresh scents and stimulation. If you have a dog park nearby that would be ideal, and you can sit while they enjoy the pack. Just be sure that your dog is comfortable being in the pack and the other dogs are reasonably well behaved. If your dog is a scavenger, it is also very important to keep him away from areas known to have food scraps, dead animals, or feces. If you are walking your dog at night, try and walk in a well lit area and take a bright flashlight that you can wave if a car is approaching. No matter where you choose, get out and walk, or hire a professional pet sitting service that offers dog walking!

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